10 Kinds Of People We Meet At The Gym

Who says gym is a boring place? Who says gym is just a place for working out? It’s a great place for being entertained by seeing the plethora of the types of people existing in the world. Guaranteed, some of them might make you stop for a moment just to stare at them in disbelief, like- “Bruh! What even…?!”, or even make you want to throw some 5kg dumbbells at them. It’s fitness with a slice of entertainment. Here are 10 types of people you are surely going to meet at the gym.

1. The fitness freak

All gyms are filled with these kinds of people who don’t complain nor stop to socialize but run on the treadmill nonstop for half an hour (or more), do abs and cardio and stuff, and make the rest stare at them in awe. They are sure to make you feel guilty of not working out enough. You can tell that they are the sincere ones putting a 100% in dieting. For supplementation, https://bestlegalsteroids.co/crazy-bulk-gnc best sources to get started.
fitness couple

2. The Sweat bucket

It’s good to sweat it off, of course, but some people do not understand the concept of using the towel. The machines they work on are left all slimy and full of sweat drops after they get off, which would make you cringe and you would have to wait for at least 5 minutes to let all of it evaporate. These kinds of people are the ones with soaking-wet clothes (as though they took a shower fully clothed), an ineffective gym towel, and a total disregard for how his sweat drops affect others.

3. The Grunter

They are the ones grunting and moaning no matter what exercise they do. Lifting up a 20 kg dumbbell or a 5 kg one, they are sure to grunt and shout at the top of their voice. But hats off to them for their hard work!

4. The selfie enthusiasts

Some are more interested in posing for the camera than actually working out. Every chance they get they can be seen taking selfies, or asking a fellow person to take a picture of him or her for posting on Instagram.

5. The Newbie and the Confused Lot

You can always spot these kinds of people with their nervousness and confusion around the machines. Also, brand new sneakers and brand new gym clothes characterize the newbies. Wherever you go, you cannot escape the confused people who won’t know what to do and will just walk around the gym.

6. The Own Body Admirer

This person is his not so secret admirer- he admires his body more than working on it. They are the ones who would make you roll your eyes when you accidentally catch them in their ritualistic self-admiration in the mirror.

7. The Rare Sight

You can catch sight of ‘the rare sight’ who turn up once every month or so. They are bound to make you wonder whether and when you would see them. You see him/her once, then you don’t see the person for a good few weeks, and you even think he/she is dead, but then they show up again, and then they don’t for another month, and it goes on.

8. The Chatterbox

Every gym has a social butterfly who is there with the main objective of socializing. This person can talk to anyone and everyone, and can be quite a pain in the rear side. Especially when you are trying to complete the sets. But they’ll be there, chatting away and telling you about their day. However, they do end up warming up to people and making a lot of ‘gym friends.’

9. The Enthusiastic Old Uncleji or Auntyji

No matter the age, some elderly people just don’t quit. They make sure to come to the gym every single day and work out as much as they can. They are the ones walking on the treadmill with high-waisted sweatpants, and working out with one-pound hand weights.

10. The Complainer

These types of people are all about complaining. Whether the trainer makes them do squats or lunges or abs, they just cannot stop complaining and moaning. They just cannot, come what may. Next time you are at the gym to workout, do try to spot how many of these types of people you can find there and if you already know, don’t forget to share the link with them.


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