6 Reasons You Aren’t Reaching Your Fitness Goals

It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re having trouble reaching your fitness goals. Working and training hard but falling short when it comes to meeting your fitness goals can be frustrating. There might be an easy fix. Check out these six reasons that might explain why you are not getting the health and fitness results you desire without using any muscle builder and fat burner supplement.
1. Dehydration
If you are not drinking enough water before, during and after your workout, you could be sabotaging your fitness plans. Water keeps all of your bodily functions working properly, it flushes out waste and toxins and it keeps your skin, hair and organs hydrated. Kind of important. Water also helps your body recover after exercise. Make sure you’re drinking enough of it. Experts recommend you take in at least 1 liter for every 50 pounds you weigh. That’s just an average. When you work out regularly, you should have even more.
2. Food
Good nutrition is an important asset in helping you reach your fitness goals. If you are not eating right, you are going to have a hard time looking and feeling the way you want. Make sure you are eating plenty of protein so that it can help your body convert fat to muscle. If there are specific fitness goals you have that require the help of food, make sure you’re meeting your body’s needs. For example, if weight loss is part of your fitness goals, you should be avoiding simple sugars and carbohydrates and bulking up on vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. If you’re not sure what you should be eating, talk to a trainer or a nutritionist.
3. Sleep
The amount of sleep you get every night has a direct impact on your health and fitness levels. If you arrive at the gym tired from a night of staying up late or tossing and turning, you are going to have a hard time giving the workout everything you’ve got. Your body is going to react as well. When you sleep, your muscles rest and recover. Not getting enough sleep will have detrimental effects to your body and your mind.
4. Socializing
If your sleep, food and water levels are all where they should be and you’re still having trouble with your health and fitness goals, take a look at how dedicated you are to your training plan. Maybe you think you are spending an hour at the gym, but if it takes you 15 minutes to greet everyone, another five minutes to change your clothes and then 10 more minutes to chat with your friends while you are programming your treadmill, you’re actually only putting in half an hour at the gym. Make sure you are focused and dedicated. Make your workout time less about socializing and more about working out.
5. Support
If you know you want to build your endurance or strengthen your core, but you have no idea how to go about it, the last thing you should do is “wing it.” You might have trouble reaching your fitness goals because you are going about it all wrong. Talk to a trainer, take a class or study a website. Don’t make fitness any harder on yourself than it has to be.
6. Expectations
It’s possible you are expecting too much too soon. Take a look at what your fitness goals are, and if you find you are not meeting them as quickly as you would like, perhaps they are simply too big for you right now. Set small goals. Instead of saying you want to run a 7-minute mile, make your goal a shorter mile every time you run. Instead of saying you want to lose 50 pounds, adjust your fitness goal to two pounds per week. Tweaking your goals can put you on the right track.